A range of heat transfer systems to access heating and cooling
With higher costs for energy required for heating or cooling, other options than the use of electricity or carbon based fuels are available. Shallow Geothermal Energy involves extracting heat or cooling from the relatively shallow subsurface using heat pumps. Currently used for residential, commercial, agricultural, and industrial facilities, these solutions can also be combined with hybrid renewables in microgrid applications.
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- Heating and cooling for residential, commercial, or industrial applications is possible to be accessed from the ground in different types of shallow Geothermal Energy systems. All these systems utilise heat pumps at the surface.
- Ground Source Heat Systems are shallow depth piping systems to provide better efficiency than air source heat pumps since the ground is likely in a narrower, more constant temperature range year round compared to the air.
- Aquifer Thermal Energy Systems (pairs of wells) access shallow aquifers (~40-60m deep) to utilise constant temperatures (~18-20degC) for heating when the atmospheric temperature is colder or cooling when the atmospheric temperature is hotter.
- Borehole Thermal Energy Systems (closed piping loops inside multiple boreholes) access higher ground temperatures (~30-35degC) at medium depths (~200-300m deep) to be able to provide more heat especially for commercial and industrial applications.
- These systems can be combined with other hybrid Renewables for efficient microgrid applications.