Western Tropical Pacific Geothermal

Transformational Green Energy:

Electric Power for the Local Grids and

Green Hydrogen / Green Ammonia for Off-Grid Users

Where is Western Tropical Pacific?

The Western Tropical Pacific from New Zealand across to Indonesia is a region of great economic and geopolitical significance – it is a major trading route and a region of geostrategic competition and cooperation among regional and global powers.

Regional Energy Challenges

Main economic challenges faced by the region include the impacts of climate change on sea level rise and human health, and its dependence on imported fossil fuels and food which results in reduced opportunities for industrial development and employment.

The World Bank participates in the World Energy Council’s Energy Trilemma Index where the challenges to be addressed are as follows:

  • Sustainability: decarbonising energy;
  • Security: ensuring the security and reliability of energy supplies; and
  • Affordability: minimising the cost of energy to consumers

Geothermal Energy – Development Opportunity

Indigenous Geothermal Energy would be transformational in addressing these challenges. Development of indigenous energy resources would lower energy costs, increase access to electricity, create jobs, training, new business for local companies, and reduce the burden of foreign exchange. Geothermal Energy is the lowest cost, baseload renewable energy source. The whole region has transformational Geothermal Energy available for early development.

Stellae Energy’s Role

Stellae Energy’s regional Geothermal Energy teams is working with multiple local governments and local companies in Public Private Partnerships to deliver these resources.

Stellae Energy is progressing several Geothermal Power Projects in the Western Tropical Pacific.

In August 2024, the company has announced strategic partnership with Autonomous Region of Bougainville. We will be announcing other such initiatives very soon.

Geology & Geophysics of the Region

The “Ring of Fire” in the Western Tropical Pacific has multiple regional countries with Geothermal Potential due to being located over subduction zones associated with the collision between the Pacific Plate and Australian Plate including the following volcanic arc island nations:

  • Fiji
  • Vanuatu
  • Solomon Islands
  • Autonomous Region of Bougainville
  • Papua New Guinea

Magmatic activity from these subduction zones has led to more than ~80# Holocene volcanic centres with more than ~20# active volcanic systems.

Stellae Energy Currently have active studies in the following countries:

The Autonomous Region of Bougainville

Solomon Islands